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The site is the property of the manager of the auto-entreprise registered under his own name Amiache Aurélien,

SIRET 750 708 356 00043. The creator, publisher, responsible for the publication is Mr. Amiache Aurélien whose head office is located at 331 B, boulevard de bapaume in Amiens, 80090.



The technical host of the site is the company Wix whose head office is located at 40 Port of Tel Aviv



Access to the site is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week except in the event of force majeure, any breakdowns and maintenance interventions necessary for the proper functioning of the site and the equipment.

Access to the service is from a microcomputer connected to the internet service, via wifi in public spaces as well as on the mobile which hased a special interface.


Intellectual property rights:

All the elements (texts, logo, images, icons, layout, etc.) contained in the site are the properties of Wix and the manager of the self-employed company Mr. Amiache Aurélien.


As such, without the prior written authorization of the self-employed Amiache Aurélien Joseph André, you may not proceed with any reproduction, representation, adaptation, and/or partial or complete transformation, or a transfer to another website of any element making up the Site. Failure to comply with this prohibition may constitute an act of counterfeiting engaging your civil and criminal liability.

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